
When I consider the people who have had a life impact on me there are few. Becky Fuchs Mahoney is one of those few, imparting to me a foundation in horsemanship that has set me up to pursue my life dreams. Through the foundation I received from Becky's instruction I have become everything that I hoped to be with my horses. She will always be a cherished friend and colleague.
If you are looking to improve your horsemanship skills or your children's I strongly suggest that you spend your time, energies, and finances with Becky. You will value every minute of your time with her and it will last you a life time.
- Kelly T. Conrado
Professional Horse Trainer for 35 years
Kiersten Pettus
I have nothing but positive things to say about Becky Mahoney and her
training. She took me under her wing throughout my high school rodeo
career and helped me work my way to being an all-around horsewoman
with the skills to finish off my own horses. Becky is great at teaching the
true foundation of horsemanship and I owe her most of my success in the
rodeo pen. She has helped me create a solid foundation on all of my
horses that easily translates to the barrel pen and produces proven
winners. I highly recommend Becky for any and all ages of riders.
2020 Turquoise Circuit Permit Champion
2021 GCRPA Barrel Racing Champion
2022 NIRA Finals Qualifier
Pro-rodeo winner.

​ Becky Mahoney has taught me many things through the years: Team
Roping, Breakaway, Barrel racing, Pole Bending, and even Goat tying.
She is a hand in all events. The very first thing I learned from Becky was
horsemanship. She taught me the importance of being a horseman and
how it applies to each and everything you do inside or out of the arena.
While you may focus on one event or another, the knowledge Becky has
given me in the area of horsemanship will stick with me forever. I give her
horsemanship skills credit for all my success and my ability to get back up
after losses. Her ability to teach and coach at a beginner level or a competitive
level is amazing. I have gone to Becky’s lessons & camps since I was 13 years
old. I have advanced tremendously through the years with her coaching
and guidance. She was able to take me from a beginner who knew nothing
about the sport of rodeo to a High School State Champion Pole Bender,
Multi-State Champion Breakaway Roper, & National Champion Breakaway
Roper, not mentioning all the successes in between. She has the ability to
give someone a confident competitive edge and has always instilled being
humble in her students. She has taught me so many valuable things. Becky
Mahoney is truly one of the most talented cowgirls, teachers, and
competitors in the rodeo world.
Cassie Miller

Lauren Devaney

I would not be the horseman I am today without Becky Mahoney. She has given me a foundation that helps me excel in all aspects of competition and training. No matter what event I participate in I know I can always apply her teachings. Not only does she teach what’s best for the horse, but she encourages a feel that sticks with you forever. She is an amazing person and Becky will always be a second mom to me.
2017 Arizona State Pole Bending Champion
3x National High School qualifier in Cutting
3x National High School qualifier in Pole Bending
1x National Jr High qualifier in Barrels
1x National Jr.High qualifier in Pole Bending
2017 -11th Place NHSRF in Pole Bending
2018 - 9th Place NHSRF in Pole Bending
Photography by Kevan Sheppard
Kayse Mahoney

My horsemanship and roping would not be where it is today without Becky's help.
I started going to her clinics several years ago and continue to implement her training. I am a firm believer that horsemanship plays an important role in all aspects of rodeo and Becky knows her horsemanship.