Whether you want to be more competitive in the arena, and/or advance your ranch horsmanship on the range or trail, Becky can help you through her videos, clinics, and schools.
Becky Fuchs Mahoney is on the cutting edge of modern updated winning methods because she has learned from top winning competitors in today's rodeo world. She also has extensive personal life long horsemanship skills as a Certified Monte Foreman Instructor to back up the knowledge she has gained.
The proof is on the testimonial page. Also check out Becky's Horse and Rodeo Basics on Facebook . Information on upcoming clinics is on FB. If you would like to schedule a clinic please contact Becky at (480) 220-2317.

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Best Ever Pads are a proud American product, designed and made by people who pride themselves in their work. Designed with insight and made with care, results in a top quality product. Best Ever Pads look sharp and sit great on any horse's back.
Each pad is hand-made, and includes wear leathers that are top grade cowhide or leather. This handsome western saddle pad is specially cut to allow the cinch to mold naturally around the horse's girth allowing for closer contact for the rider's legs. The two-piece contour design allows for a comfortable fit, while the high quality, breathable wool or felt allows it to be used alone or with a Navajo blanket.
By Tristan Mahoney

TM Bits & Spurs

Becky's Horse and Rodeo Basics 2022 Proudly created with Wix.com

Becky will be in Florence, Arizona giving lessons and holding clinics. Please call Becky for details or scheduling out of state: 480-220-2317